Woman holding a pair of glasses in front of an eye chart

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Research shows that a huge percentage of Americans wear glasses or contacts. Regardless, one's prescription is almost sure to change throughout your life. There are so many things that can change with your vision. If you’re looking for ways to care for your vision, we have some great information to help you maintain your eyesight. 

What is it?

Your vision is something that changes as you age and you have to take care of your vision. As life becomes more digital, the intense glare from screens, blue light, sunlight, and more cause strain on our eyes. In addition to scheduling appointments with your optician for vision exams, there are precautions that you can take to protect your eyes.

Keep Your Eyes Healthy By National Institute of Health

Protecting your overall health can go a long way toward keeping your eyes healthy! It’s important to make healthy choices and take good care of yourself. Keep in mind that healthy habits like eating well and being active can lower your risk for diseases and conditions that can lead to eye or vision problems, like diabetes or high blood pressure. 

Get a Dilated Eye Exam By NIH

A dilated eye exam is the best thing you can do for your eye health. It’s the only way to check for eye diseases early on, when they’re easier to treat — and before they cause vision loss.

The Eye Book By Gary H. Cassel, MD

This easy-to-understand book takes a step-by-step approach, providing an overview of the eye's anatomy, a tour of healthy vision, and an explanation of what steps readers and healthcare providers should take to address vision issues.

How big an issue is this for me?

How can I find out if I have vision issues?

Vision loss is gradual and varies with every person. There is no definitive age at which vision loss occurs, and it can range in symptoms, which makes it tricky to diagnose. However, if your eyesight has impeded your life in some way, then it might be time to test the limits of your vision.

What solutions are available to me?

If your eyes feel healthy, it's easy to assume they are healthy. But many eye diseases don't have any warning signs — so you could have an eye problem and not know it. The good news is, there's a lot you can do to set yourself up for a lifetime of seeing well.

GlassessOff By GlassesOff

GlassesOff is designed for people who experience natural age-related changes when reading. The application’s scientifically proven program exercises the visual cortex of the brain to process visual information faster, and thereby help improve vision sharpness.

Nutritional Supplements By Prevent Blindness

You may be wondering if there are there nutritional supplements that can help your vision. This section contains information regarding studies done to see if nutritional supplements can help prevent vision loss from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.