older man and woman sitting on a park bench looking at a mountain view

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Memory Care

Memory is something we take for granted when we’re young, however, as we age it undoubtedly gets harder to remember simple things—like where you left the car keys or what you had for breakfast yesterday. It used to be that we just accepted forgetfulness as a sign of getting older. However, studies have shown that memory problems can be mitigated (or even in some cases, reversed) through the proper care and exercise of your mind. Although everyone ages differently, there are a lot of factors about the aging process that effect your memory.

What is it?

What do I need to know about my memory? 

Let’s face it, as you age, your body has to work harder to maintain the same level of health you had when you were younger. But it’s trickier when it comes to your brain. Unfortunately, you can’t see your brain atrophy the same way you can see the muscles in your legs, arms, and waist (for example) go soft over time. Instead, an aging brain shows up as memory issues.

National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center By National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia in older adults. It is a progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills. It is not a normal part of aging. Learn more about the disease, and get news, tips, and resources for caregivers and health care professionals.

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Alzheimer's Association By Alzheimer's Association

The Alzheimer’s Association was founded in 1980 by a group of family caregivers and individuals who recognized the need for an organization that would unite caregivers, provide support to those facing Alzheimer’s, and advances research into the disease. Today, the Association reaches millions of people affected by Alzheimer's and all other dementia. They are the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support, and research.

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Alzheimer's Foundation of America By Alzheimer's Foundation of America

AFA was founded in 2002 by a caregiver whose mother lived with Alzheimer’s disease from 1980-1992. At that time, there was little information available and nowhere to turn for support. His goal was to make sure that no other family living with Alzheimer’s disease would have to go through the journey alone. AFA was created to be a resource for families in their time of need. AFA operates a National Toll-Free Helpline (866-232-8484), staffed entirely by licensed social workers, which provides support and assistance to callers, as well as connects them with resources in their area, no matter where in the United States they live. 

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How big an issue is this for me?

How can I find out if I have any memory issues?

Memory loss is gradual and varies with every person. There is no definitive age at which memory loss occurs, and it can range in symptoms, which makes it tricky to diagnose. In our busy, overscheduled lives it’s perfectly natural to forget mundane things, like where you left your purse or wallet in your house. However, if your forgetfulness has impeded your life in some way, then it might be time to test the limits of your memory.


National Memory Screening Program By Alzheimer's Foundation of America

Alzheimer's Foundation of America currently provides free memory screenings virtually through secure video conference technology every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A smartphone, laptop, tablet, or any other device with a webcam and Internet capability is all that’s needed. Appointments can be requested by calling AFA at 866-232-8484 or clicking here.  

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This 3-minute test evaluates a loved one’s recall and also uses a common dementia assessment tool known as the ‘clock drawing test.’ The person administering the test will ask your loved one to draw a clock and place the hands at a certain time. Drawing the circle and placing the numbers correctly tests your loved one’s ability to remember number order and the correct spacing of numbers on a clock face. Placing the clock hands at a certain time tests their memory and ability to follow verbal directions.

What solutions are available to me?

How can I improve my memory?

Like keeping your physical body in shape, keeping your memory in shape involves “using or losing it.” Which is the whole basis behind regular exercise, whether it be to work out your biceps or your brain. Depending on your heredity and lifestyle, memory loss can be mitigated if you commit to the proper care and feeding of your brain. The earlier you commit to getting your brain in shape, the easier it is to treat memory loss.

Luminosity By Luminosity

Brain training built on science. Our in-house Science team is committed to translating cognitive science into accessible brain training. We research Lumosity’s effect on cognitive performance. After ten weeks, the Lumosity group improved in performance across a battery of cognitive assessments. In fact, they improved more than twice as much as the control group did.* More specifically, the Luminosity group showed statistically significant improvements on subtests of working memory, arithmetic reasoning, and processing speed.

Memory Lane TV By Memory Lane TV

The science behind sensory activities for people living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia shows memory stimulation may actually work better when it is less linear. Like guided meditation, Memory Lane TV’s positive, plot-free programs unfold organically in a carefully calibrated blend of music, images, and multi-sensory stimulation designed to transform worries into wonder, frustrations into fascination, and confusion into creativity.